Location: BPP Online Classroom Live
Performance fees can form a large part of fund expenditure for a structure. This course recaps management fees and covers the key differences between performance...
Location: BPP Online Classroom Live
This course helps delegates recognise conflict and to understand how their own behaviour influences others, enabling them to demonstrate effective communication...
Location: BPP Online Classroom Live
This course helps delegates learn why financial statements need to be prepared for a business, the underlying concepts and understanding the definitions of...
Location: BPP Online Classroom Live
The course covers:
* Duties of a trustee
* Managing conflicts of interest
* Common failings
* Development of the fiduciary duty in...
Location: BPP Online Classroom Live
The course covers:
* Directors and the law
* Duties of a director
* Running an effective board
* The board's corporate governance...
Location: BPP Online Classroom Live
The course covers:
* Developments in law enforcement interventions
* The regulator's new "teeth" - personal accountability
* Corporate...
Location: BPP Online Classroom Live
The course covers:
* A review of the key issues including the three tier test
* The Crown Dependency announcement
* Implications for...
Location: BPP Online Classroom Live
This course acts as an introduction to carried interest, including the principles and risk of carry. Simple calculations, different 'waterfall' styles and...
Benefits of membership include: full members can submit a detailed firm listing for posting on our website, staff of full members can attend our regular lunchtime seminars free of charge, all members have priority booking for our BPP International Finance training courses.