Location: BPP Online Classroom Live
Following the financial market collapse over a decade ago, banks sharply cut back on the availability of credit lines as regulators forced them to hold more capital. Simultaneously, governments increased their borrowing to shore up the surviving banks. This was the opportunity for the bond markets to step in and become the provider of choice going forward to meet the debt funding requirements of both corporates, supranational and sovereigns alike. Therefore, it is imperative that these markets are properly understood by issuers, investors, intermediaries, regulators and financial journalists.
Having attended this course, delegates will acquire a greater understanding of a market place which, for good reason, has traditionally had a lower public profile than many other financial equivalent markets such as equities, foreign exchange and commodities.
Course Content:
Understanding bond pricing – coupons, par values, yield to maturity
The bond universe – sovereigns, corporates, eurobond, convertibles, exchangeables, floating rate notes, asset backed, zero coupon
Bond structures – fixed or floating rate issuance
Hybrid structures – callable, puttable
Interest rate sensitivity – duration
Credit risk – from investment grade to junk
From rising stars to fallen angels
Securitisation – asset backed securities
Understanding yield curves & what they tell you
This course is delivered through the BPP online classroom, please contact ci-pd@bpp.com with any queries.
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