Location: Upper Hall, Loch Promenade Church, Douglas.
The recent release of the Panama Papers has sent shockwaves through the global financial services industry. This highly interactive seminar will review cases arising from the scandal and review key lessons learnt for IOM financial services businesses. Delivered by Jo French and Chris Usher from JIBS, this session will help you begin to appreciate how potentially damaging this incendiary leak could be and to enable you to be prepared. We are conscious of a lot of sensationalised journalism so far and would seek to counter this with a more balanced and reasoned discussion on the issues raised. Contrary to a lot of commentary in this space there will be an element of support for offshore and practical advice in terms of managing the perceived risks.
- What do the papers really reveal?
- Review of several cases of alleged nefarious activity
- An examination of key failings by financial services companies
- Likely regulatory responses – introduction of public UBO registers?
- How financial services businesses can protect themselves from being in a similar position
- Risk-managing staff leaks
- How real is the reputation risk to IOM and wider offshore
- Risks if you have a connection.
This course is with coffee and registration from 9.30 am for a 10 am start. For bookings contact JIBS direct as indicated here on our website.
Benefits of membership include: full members can submit a detailed firm listing for posting on our website, staff of full members can attend our regular lunchtime seminars free of charge, all members have priority booking for our BPP International Finance training courses.