Location: Upper Hall, Loch Promenade Church, Douglas.
This DQ sponsored seminar is with Paul Roberts and Mike Reynolds of Capital Allowances Review Service.
Coffee and registration are from 12 noon for a prompt 12.30 pm start. It is anticipated, depending on the number of questions from the audience, that this event will close at around 1.30 pm.
Capital Allowances or PEFFs ( property embedded fixtures & features ) have been a part of main stream tax legislation for over a hundred years but continue to go unclaimed by the majority that are entitled to benefit from them.
There are now new rules in place that mean if the PEFFs position is not dealt with correctly they will be lost forever.
Understanding more about this issue will help avoid future problems and could deliver huge benefits to your clients.
Paul Roberts, has specialised in the capital allowance recovery process for over 15 years during which time, he has built an excellent working relationship with HMRC and has never lost a case. His 100% record is due to the high levels of due diligence undertaken PRIOR to a claim being taken on and submitted.
Mike Reynolds is a Chartered Accountant with a specialist tax background. He is one of seven Partners in a firm with over 50 staff dealing with corporate and private clients but also provides specialist tax support to accounting practices across the UK.
This seminar is sponsored by DQ. It is free to staff of ACSP member firms and to associate members.
Benefits of membership include: full members can submit a detailed firm listing for posting on our website, staff of full members can attend our regular lunchtime seminars free of charge, all members have priority booking for our BPP International Finance training courses.