Location: Upper Hall, Loch Promenade Church, Douglas
This DQ sponsored seminar is with Richard Bull, John Cassidy and Ian Shirley from Crowe Clark Whitehill on the topic:
Fundamental tax changes you may not realise affect you.
The session will cover:
The corporate criminal offences of failure to prevent the facilitation of tax evasion
• What are the offences and how do they work?
• What are the dangers to you?
• How to defend your business to avoid falling foul of the rules if an offence is committed.
Changes to UK legislation regarding UK property held in non-UK trusts
• How do the changes effect the future for the traditional IOM trust; company, UK property arrangement?
• Do your trust structures remain fit for purpose?
• What options are open to you if not?
Update on other relevant topics
• A brief update of the 'Requirement to Correct' and where we are now?
• The decision in the 'Jimenez' Judicial review and how it may restrict HMRC's ability to request information from companies, trusts and individuals resident in the Isle of Man
Richard Bull
Richard is a tax Partner with Crowe Clark Whitehill and leads the Private Client Team in Crowe's Midlands office.
Richard has extensive experience of advising trustees on UK tax issues. He also works closely with Crowe's Tax Investigations team advising trustees and beneficiaries of offshore trusts about the various options open to them, once all historic UK tax liabilities have been settled.
Richard is a Member, Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
John Cassidy
John is a Partner with Crowe Clark Whitehill's award winning Tax Investigations Team. He has 25 years' experience in tax.
John regularly writes and lectures on tax topics. He has written chapters on tax investigations in technical books as well as numerous articles for the professional, national and local press. He also lectures at tax conferences in the UK and overseas on investigations, HMRC's powers and taxpayer rights.
John is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Taxation: a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, A member of the ICAEW's Tax Investigations Practitioner Group; the ICAEW representative on the HMRC fraud forum; a committee member of the CIOT's Management of Taxes sub-committee and deputy Chairman of the ICAEW's Enquiries and Appeals committee
Ian Shirley
A former Inspector of Taxes, Ian is a Manager in Crowe Clark Whitehill's Tax Investigations team, offering specialist advice and representation to individuals, companies trusts etc who find themselves under enquiry by HMRC particularly Code of Practice 9 Investigations involving suspected serious fraud or those who would benefit from making a disclosure of any irregularities.
Ian is a member of the Association of Taxation Technicians and the ICAEW's Tax Investigations Practitioner Group.
This seminar is with coffee and registration from 12 noon for a prompt 12.30 pm start. It is anticipated that this session will last approximately one hour.
If you would like to attend this session, please e-mail aking@acsp.co.im stating who from your firm would like a place.
This seminar is free to staff of member firms and associate members of the ACSP.
This event is sponsored by DQ Advocates.
Benefits of membership include: full members can submit a detailed firm listing for posting on our website, staff of full members can attend our regular lunchtime seminars free of charge, all members have priority booking for our BPP International Finance training courses.