Location: BPP Online Classroom Live
By attending this course, an hour each day on 20th and 21st October, participants will be able to appreciate the links between the underlying 'Cash' Markets & their respective Derivative Markets. As Financial instruments they have been around for longer than you might think. Trading volumes in today's fast moving fully electronic Markets are now dominated by highly liquid Derivative instruments. Therefore, understanding exactly how they work is key to fully appreciating the Financial news headlines.
Introduction To The Derivatives Markets: Part 1
The origins of Derivatives. What are they exactly, who uses them and why?
Exchange Traded vs Over the Counter instruments – A changing world. Central Counterparties
Vanilla vs Exotic derivatives; Cash vs Physical settlement
Inherent risks with Derivatives - what could possibly go wrong?
Introduction To The Derivatives Markets: Part 2
Options defined and terminology
The asymmetry of risk; Intrinsic vs Time Value
In, at and out of the money options
Credit Default Swaps – A tool for Bond Fund Managers
Futures – Referencing the underlying Markets (from Equities to Commodities)
Initial & Variation Margin; Leverage, Function of the Clearing House
Please contact ci-pd@bpp.com with any booking queries.
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