Location: Upper Hall, Loch Promenade Church, Douglas.
This DQ sponsored seminar at 12.30 pm is full and a repeat is running at 2.30 pm. Coffee and registration are from 12 noon for a 12.30 pm start, and from 2 pm for a 2.30 pm start.
DQ Advocates are seeing a step change in the regulatory environment across the Crown Dependencies with more enforcement actions being taken against directors and key persons.
Tom Maher (Managing Director, DQ), and Sinead O'Connor (Head of Regulatory & Compliance, DQ) will share with delegates their experiences and learning points from recent matters against directors, focusing on what TCSPs can expect if they become involved in an enforcement action and the actions that can be taken now to best prepare corporate governance documentation for any subsequent scrutiny.
It is anticipated that this event will finish at around 1.30 pm, subject to the number of questions and contributions from the audience.
If you would like to attend this event, please send me an e-mail on aking@acsp.co.im stating clearly which seminar you are booking for and who from your firm would like a place. All bookings will be confirmed with an e-mail from me.
This seminar is free to staff of member firms and associate members of the ACSP.
This event is sponsored by DQ.
Benefits of membership include: full members can submit a detailed firm listing for posting on our website, staff of full members can attend our regular lunchtime seminars free of charge, all members have priority booking for our BPP International Finance training courses.